Dress Impress to Allah Not his creations

Dress Impress to Allah Not his creations

First of all I will say it's not over right to say something about someone we have to change ours self as role model for the others. so make the dressing as you want that you will be present in front of Allah. 
If you can’t pray in it, then it most likely isn’t suitable for going out in. Remember Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is the All-Seeing, be a slave that He is pleased with – dressing modestly applies to both brothers & sisters

Brother are also should take care for the dressing as it's commonly noticed not properely cover for private parts due to the new fashion or design. being as Muslim it's our responsibility to show the good presentation to Allah and how we love to follow his Prophet P.B.U.H Sunnah.

Hijab is mentioned in the Holy Quran for Muslim men FIRST. Your MODESTY is our DIGNITY. Brothers lower your gaze and wear loose clothing that does not reveal your body shape. The best of men, Muhammad (saw) was more shy than a young girl.

During Salah it's also big mistake found that we forgot to cover our Satr so dear brothers try to cover all your body properly to make your Salah  acceptable to Allah.
